Cypress vs Playwright Comparison
A collection of resources comparing different aspects of Cypress and Playwright frameworks: speed, reliability, community, adoption, etc.
Playwright vs Cypress: How to make a right decision in 2024 (opens in a new tab) by Artem Bondar (opens in a new tab)
Cypress vs Playwright - Cost and Risks Analysis (opens in a new tab) by Currents (opens in a new tab) published on July 23, 2024
Cypress vs Playwright from a tech leader perspective: cost of ownership, cost of running tests in CI, risks, best practices of migration between the frameworks.
- Cypress vs Playwright - Flakiness Analysis (opens in a new tab) by Currents (opens in a new tab) published on June 27, 2024
An analysis of close to 400 million test records and 100s of real-world applications answering the question: what testing framework is more flaky - Cypress or Playwright?
- A Comparative Analysis of Playwright Adoption vs Cypress and Selenium (opens in a new tab) by Ray (opens in a new tab) published on July 01, 2023
Discover why @playwright/test
is rapidly gaining popularity in the world of QA engineering, surpassing tools like Cypress and Selenium. Dive into the reasons behind this fast adoption, understand its advantages, and learn from real-world user case studies.
- Playwright vs Cypress: Why QA Wolf chose modern tools over a larger community (opens in a new tab) by John Gluck published on June 22, 2023
When we designed our product, we knew that the right framework was critical to delivering the magic, zero-effort experience our customers were looking for. We found that Microsoft Playwright was better than Cypress as the foundation of our product.
- Cypress vs Playwright: Let the Code Speak Recap (opens in a new tab) by Filip Hric (opens in a new tab) published on July 18, 2022
Wondering how to decide between Cypress and Playwright for your test automation? Check out the results of our head to head battle of Cypress vs Playwright and see who comes out on top. Spoiler: 7x3 in favor of PW
- Playwright Vs Cypress: The King Is Dead, Long Live The King? (opens in a new tab) by Serhii Zabolennyi (opens in a new tab) published on January 24, 2023
When Cypress hit the market, it broke the rules that Selenium had been following for a long time. Cypress has a different architecture for working; it uses the Chrome Dev Protocol, doesn’t really use the JSON Wire Protocol (like Selenium), and also has a lot of flexibility. So far, Playwright seems to be coming up with the same idea to make life easier from the testing side for QA engineers and developers.
- Playwright vs Cypress: A Comparison (opens in a new tab) by Krishna Tej published on January 4, 2023
It is essential to test web apps and ensure they function according to the user requirements for a high-end user experience. There are a lot of tools and frameworks available in the market used to test web apps, such as Playwright, Cypress, and Selenium, to name a few. In a snapshot, both Playwright and Cypress are open-source and support automated app testing. Cypress supports JavaScript, whereas Playwright supports multiple languages such as JavaScript, Java, Python, and .NET C#.
- On Migrating from Cypress to Playwright (opens in a new tab) by Michael Lynch (opens in a new tab) published on October 25, 2022
I recently tried Playwright, Microsoft’s answer to Cypress. After experimenting with it for a day, I’m ready to completely switch over from Cypress to Playwright.
- Extensive comparison between Cypress and Playwright (opens in a new tab) published on Feb 13, 2022
An extensive comparison of architecture differences and the implications by a Reddit user
- Playwright vs Cypress E2E Testing (opens in a new tab) by Clifford Fajardo (opens in a new tab) published on Nov 17, 2022
This comparison table strives to be as accurate and as unbiased as possible. If you use any of these libraries and feel the information could be improved, feel free to suggest changes (with notes or evidence of claims) using the "Edit this page on Github" link at the bottom of this page.
- [](Cypress (opens in a new tab) vs Selenium vs Playwright vs Puppeteer speed comparison) by Giovanni Rago (opens in a new tab) published on January 27, 2021
Aside from the sheer curiosity about which was fastest in end-to-end scenarios, we at Checkly wanted to inform our future choices with regards to browser automation tools for synthetic monitoring and testing, and we wanted to do that through data-backed comparisons.
- Would you recommend to use Playwright or Cypress? (opens in a new tab) by Kent C. Dodds (opens in a new tab)
Season 3, Episode 2 of the "Calls with Kent" podcast - Kent talks about his experience with Playwright and Cypress.
- Playwright vs Cypress (opens in a new tab) by Helene Kassandra (opens in a new tab) published on Nov 6, 2020
Not too long ago, Cypress seemed to be the most exciting new end-to-end testing framework out there, quickly growing in popularity within different development teams. However now there’s a new kid on the block named Playwright, and it aims to solve a similar issue — helping developers automate their user-flows in a more user-friendly way.