Cypress to Playwright
Welcome to Cypress to Playwright! This is a curated collection of resources that can help you to migrate your test suite from Cypress to Playwright.
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Top Picks
- Cypress vs Playwright - Cost and Risks Analysis (opens in a new tab) by Currents (opens in a new tab) published on July 23, 2024
Cypress vs Playwright from a tech leader perspective: cost of ownership, cost of running tests in CI, risks, best practices of migration between the frameworks.
- From Cypress to Playwright - cost, migration steps, timeline and AI tools (opens in a new tab) by Currents (opens in a new tab) published on July 25, 2024
Cypress vs Playwright from a tech leader perspective: cost of ownership, cost of running tests in CI, risks, best practices of migration between the frameworks.
- How We Reduced Testing Time By 70% — by Moving From Cypress to Playwright (opens in a new tab) by Lisa Weilguni (opens in a new tab)
Engineering team at Lingvano built an extensive suite of over 200 test cases using Cypress. After migrating to Playwright, they were able to reduce the execution time of their test suite by 70% and the developer satisfaction due to superb DevEx of Playwright.
A Cypress to Playwright tool converts Cypress code into Playwright code, allowing for easy migration from Cypress to Playwright.
An official tool from Playwright team for converting Cypress code to Playwright code